
Millennial Mancala

My twist on a version (there are multiple, as Mancala is one of the oldest games still widely played today) of the board game, Mancala. Play against the computer or play, locally, against another player. Made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (vanilla and jQuery).



A hand motion tracking project: MVP - A dictionary look up app with returning word, pronunciation(written form), part of speech, and vocal file giving auditory example of pronunciation. Accessibility level considered adequate as determined by Axe Accessibility. Stretch goal - detect hand position, relate to American Sign Language alphabet, pull words from Merriam Webster's Dictionary API and provide functionality to sign out words and return them as audio and text. Made with JavaScript (boot strapped with React, including Machine Learning with Tensorflow.js - MediaPipe and FingerPose), Java (with Spring Boot), HTML, CSS and PostgreSQL.

NeptuneWaterGod - Going Right - by Drew Devero.png

Mizu Madness

My first project after learning some JavaScript. A combo retro-modern project at certification requested). A collection of web pages (a Homepage, Image Gallery, Game, and Contact Page) centered around a quirky water theme. Made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (vanilla and jQuery) with the intention of incorporating a back-end language for data collection and dynamism.